The short story
Professional Achievements Include:
Head Physiotherapist (Head of Medical) Pakistan Men’s Cricket Team
Head of Rehabilitation, Chinese Winter Olympic Team (Sochi 2014 Olympics)
Team Physiotherapist, China's Basketball (3x3) Teams (2018 Jakarta Asian Games)
Consultant, South Korea Athletics Team (2014 Incheon Asian Games)
Head Physiotherapist, Singapore Slingers (ABL - Professional Basketball)
Singapore National Olympic Committee (SNOC) Offical Medical Team Member: Asian, Commonwealth & Youth Olympics Games
Post Professional Certificates Include:
APA Level 3 Sports Physiotherapist at Australia Institute of Sport.
Manual Therapy Certificates (Maitland, Muscle Energy, Mulligan - AUS Physio Association
Musculoskeletal Diagnostic Ultrasound (Australia School of Medical Imagery)
DMA Clinical Pilates Certified (Australia Physiotherapy Association)
Strength & Conditioning, & Biomechanics Analysis Certifications.
Professional Member: AUS Physiotherapy Association (APA) & Sports Medicine Australia
Pakistan Prime Ministers Award (2017),
from PM Nawaz Sharif
Selected & Awarded on Prime Minister of Australia's "PM Marathon Team", from PM John Howard (2003)
The long story

Physio (Uni Syd), PostGrad in Sports Physio (La Trobe)
APA Level 3 Sports Physiotherapy Cert. (AIS)
Clinical Board License: Australia & Hong Kong (China)
Australian qualified physiotherapist, with focus on performance sports medicine & rehabilitation. Driven to try change many of the inefficiencies & issues in current injury management approaches. Having worked in national level leadership roles & with championship winning teams around the world. With this overbearing passion to reimagine the future, I provide strategic & innovative leadership to top level players, professional sports teams, governments & national institutes, with a considerable track record turning organisation's performance & sports injury situations around. Gone on to help create Singapore's Sports Institute, run courses for sports medical staff, be a team physiotherapist at 2 Olympic Gems, bring western sports medicine to China's Olympic Champions, and turn around the improbabilities for Pakistan Mens Cricket Team on their way to their ICC World Champions Trophy win. I am invigorated to see how we change more sports injury stories & organisations performance success together with longterm solutions.
A physiotherapy graduate from University of Sydney, & sports physiotherapy postgraduate from La Trobe University, whom after completing hospital intern & working across various clinics & sports teams in Australia, then did clinical specialisation in sports medicine and gained a range of further certificates (below). Before heading to impact Asia...

I had amazing start to my dreams as an aspiring marathon runner, surrounded by top inspirations, but like many others my dreams would be destroyed by sports injuries. Left heartbroken, and searching for answers to my sports injuries I developed a overbearing passion to finding better ways to manage sports injury problems, in pursuit of unbreakable humans of the future, going on to work with over 20 World or Olympic Champions, & achieve that 'Olympic Dream' as a Teams Physio, & “to create great athletes of the future”.
Video: SBS News, Australia's PM John Howard, Sir Rob De Castella (World Marathon Champion), & Shane Hayes at Parliament House, Canberra 2003.
Photo: Life Mag. (2004), Shane Hayes with Australian legend Sir Herb Elliot at Kirribilli House (Australia PM's House), Sydney Feb 27th 2004.

Needing changes to their sports injury problems in the year ahead of Sochi 2014 Winter Olympic, I was brought to Beijing by China's General Administration of Sport in newly created Head of Rehabilitation role for China’s Winter Olympic Team, as they started shift to western sports medicine and as their winter teams first ever physio. With Yao Ming early retirement due to injuries, as well as other stars - there was a clear sign China needed reforms & changes in it’s sports injury management. With no physiotherapy in China & limited western concepts of Sports Medicine, I stated in a APA article in 2014 that China “have a good chance (for good sports medicine), with an almost white canvas to paint its professions future direction”. As such over years since I have been trying make this a reality, and helping Chinese Teams and Players as Team China Physiotherapist across various Olympic & Team Sports. Allowing their players to recover from injuries & go on to achieve Olympic medals. And the story is starting to look better already..
(Read More on Team China)

I took on one of my biggest challenge in the worlds 2nd most popular sport of cricket in a country that it’s almost a religion; when I was appointed to oversee the Medical Services, to try to change the injury situation for Pakistan Cricket Team at a time when their injury-ridden team was near their bottom; with challenges of limited sports medical capabilities in their home, with contracted players spread at club across the world, & spending 305 days/year overseas for tour & games, and with no home games. Overseeing their sports medical & implementing new systems; we achieved a 73% reduction in injury rates, & recovered players to world top performances; on the way to becoming ICC World Number 1 Test rank in 2016 & winning the 2017 ICC World Champions Trophy. It was a unique humbled experience as part of this nation inspiration moment, topped off by Finals Man-of-the-Match making the nice statement about me during his post-match press conference. To make a difference to allow you to achieve your dreams, that’s what drives me!
(Read More on Pakistan Cricket Team)

In 2009 the change started when I moved to Asia to work for Singapore's Sports Council (SSC) helping them establish their new Government sports performance agency, the Singapore Sports Institute (SSI), which opened in 2011. Working at Singapore’s National Sports Medicine Centre in SSC & SSI treated World Title winning sports people & was a Lead for few select national sports organisations. As Singapore National Olympic Committee (SNOC) Official Medical Team Member was initially part of host-nation Team Singapore at the 1st Youth Olympic Games in 2010, and over the following years marched behind Singapore's flag into many other major Olympic & World events. Changing the nations sports injury story with a pivotal role taking lead in developing and establishing a number of the national injury management & rehabilitation protocols (for select injuries) for Singapore's national sports medical network & SSI. The World Title winning sailing ship had come in for Singapore, with the results of their new institute & system appearing early for both Team Singapore, and Singapore Slingers, & successful with reduced injuries.
(Read More on Singapore Sports Institute or Slingers )

As a consultant gone to and advised many other organisations and nations across Asia: as a specialist consultant for host-nation Korea at 2014 Incheon Asian Games, and Team Physio for Korea's Athletics Team was another exciting opportunity to ensure athletes health & injury successful recovery to achieve performance in-front of a home crowd.
With a passion for change, supported countries that need changes the most to achieve their sporting dream; including going to Sri Lanka as Consultant & Advisor to Sri Lanka’s Minister of Sport, & Chief Physiotherapist for the Ministry; advising Team Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka's Medical Institute & Ministry of Sport on sports medicine approaches & new structures. Also took time to volunteer for 3-4 months in Africa setting up a clinic & sports medical system for the International Olympic Committee’s (IOC) pilot “Sports For Hope” centre in Zambia.
Slowly seeing the world and gaining different ways of thinking to reimagine sports medicine over these years in different nations. There is a clear need for change in musculoskeletal and sports medicine globally. As you spend every moment looking to improve in your sport, i am still spending every moment of my day to try fix & change this sports injury situation: regularly share research at leading conferences (such as International Olympic Committee's Sports Medical conference), serving board member for professional bodies (eg. International Strategy Committee for Australia Physiotherapy Association), planning committee's (eg. Singapore's Olympic Podium Pathway Planning) or through new innovative systems & processes. Let's reimagine your performance.
Photo: Prime Minister of Australia Malcolm Turnbull & Mrs Turnbull, at Kirribilli House (Prime Ministers House) for New Year's Day Lunch 2017.

In spare time, living as a expat in so many different places has allowed me as a global explorer to experience a lot, with interest in equality & improving relations amongst nations, you can find me jogging along street of cities around the world, or lost wandering around hutong alleys in Beijing, or head down at a quiet cafe reading new sports medical research, or trekking around searching for different cultures & beautiful mountain peaks....
Photo: Trekking across Karakoram Mountain Ranges, photo taken at night camp on Snow Lake (Hispar Glacier) at 4,877 m above sea level.
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